Upgrade Your Toilet With a Bidet Seat
Add a KOHLER® bidet toilet seat to your toilet and discover how cleansing with water can be a cleaner, more refreshing alternative to toilet paper alone. Our innovative, streamlined designs complement a range of decors and provide customizable, spa-like amenities and bidet functionality such as warm-water cleansing, a heated seat, nightlight and so much more.
Shop Bidet Seats
Explore our most innovative seats designed to help you experience next-level cleanliness. All KOHLER bidet seats include bidet functionality and a three-year warranty.
Bidet Seats FAQs
Q: What are my bidet seat options?
A: There are three primary categories when it comes to finding the bidet toilet seat that’s right for you: (1) mechanical bidet seats, (2) powered bidet seats, which plug into an outlet and (3) intelligent toilets with built-in bidet seat functionality. Within each of these categories there are different options depending on the types of features you want in a bidet seat.
Q: How do they work?
A: Bidet seats work by directly connecting to your home’s water supply line (just like your faucet does). All seats come with a diverter valve that allows you to split the water supply between your toilet and your bidet seat. Once installed, the bidet seat utilizes the supply line’s water pressure to control the flow of water coming from the bidet wand.
Q: Is the water warm?
A: Our C3® bidet seats and intelligent toilets allow you to control the temperature of the water. Mechanical models like the Puretide allow you to control water pressure and position but not the temperature.
Q: If I use a bidet seat, does that mean I don’t need toilet paper?
A: That depends on personal preference and the model. Some people will use a small amount of toilet paper afterwards for additional drying. Models with built-in, warm-air drying functionality reduce the necessity of toilet paper even further
Q: Do all bidet seats require power? If so, what is needed?
A:Puretide, our mechanical bidet seat model, requires no cords and no power. Advanced models like our C3® bidet seats and intelligent toilets require a dedicated electrical GFCI circuit (120 V, 15A, 60HZ, 1800W).
Q: How do I know if a bidet seat will fit on my toilet?
A:KOHLER bidet seats fit most KOHLER and non-KOHLER toilet models. To confirm seat compatibility, please reference our bidet seat compatibility chart below.
Q: What would I need to install one myself?
A:Just a few common household tools, like a screwdriver, a wrench and plumbing tape. For most people it takes about 15 minutes. Everything else you need for installation will be included. With each seat comes an inlet water supply hose, a T-Fitting valve for separating flow to the seat and the toilet, and the seat mounting bracket kit. If you’re going the electric or intelligent route, you’ll need an electrical outlet near the toilet for proper installation and use. For additional help and visualization, please check out this video on
Bidet Seats Comparison Chart
Compare models of bidet seats to find the ideal fit for your needs.